Launch of Australian Vocational Education and Training Professionals Association (AVETPA)

Last week was a huge week as a special project that I have been working on with a number of colleagues became a reality with the launch of the Australian Vocational Education and Training Professionals Association (AVETPA).

The launch has created a great deal of interest and many of my networks have been emailing and asking me about the initiative.

In a simple term, the issue of increasing professional status has been on the VET agenda for quite a few years now and has been the topic of discussion with academics, government, training providers and a host of others with very little action.

In fact, there was also quite a bit of debate and analysis done on the topic with other existing bodies and I was involved in the work done in Queensland through the Queensland College of Teachers to develop a VET membership and professional standards pathway. Unfortunately, this positive initiative and widespread consultation did not gain the final endorsement at the time. It did create the spark though and has been the basis to continue to work to establish a dedicated and affordable option for the multitude of professionals involved in one of our most valuable education and training pathways.

In short, nothing has actually happened and one way of getting some action is to take some action and that is how we got to this point. With some interested parties, we agreed that there needed to be a focus on creating a professional body for members that given the numbers or people working in a professional capacity we can apply some influence on the issues that impact on all of us.

Please consider your own position and experience in VET and if you would like to take some action for yourself and add your voice to the training and education agenda register as a member.


Dr Shayne Baker OAM

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