Season of change has started

A season of change has started once again, the new season has already had an impact with the TAE update deadline now sliding into winter and a new due date of the 1 July 2019.
Certainly interesting for everyone scrambling towards meeting this new target date, the trainers and assessors as well as the RTO’s issuing the new credentials.
An interesting phenomenon when you consider the basis of the VET system and the depth of material available about competency. Competency for trainers and assessors apples to so many varied and interesting training and education scenarios and similar to many more traditional trades there are individuals who develop specific skills and capabilities more in some competencies than in others. In situations where a competent person encounters a unique challenge, they can apply their capability to contextually solve the work-based issue.
The exception seems to be the TAE qualified personnel that are working, mentioning, teaching, developing and assessing people seeking qualifications in their chosen vocational area. Despite the wealth of knowledge and experience working in this area, there is a view that the order and the subtle changes are paramount to ensuring the quality of the VET system.
There is certainly agreement that the educators, trainers and assessors that are out there every day to contribute to the quality of the outcomes for people of all ages and that ongoing professional development and learning should be encouraged and celebrated. The understanding and definitions that have arisen over the years since the national CBT system began to influence the VET sector in the early 90’s has been very interesting though I support a more recent statement of Bowman and Mc Kenna as it relates to trainers and assessors being the “consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments”
This should be the focus and if that is not the case what is the evidence to the contrary and why aren’t the trainers and assessors involved in advising some options. A position that can really only be challenged by members of AVETPA and we need to build our numbers and encourage individual members so that we can highlight out diversity and capability to enhance the professional capacity of the organisation.
Shayne Baker OAM
AVETPA National President