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An underlying passion for Shayne has been the promotion and opportunities that the Australian vocational education and training (VET) sector provides for people that don’t follow the traditional school, university and work model and require alternative pathways and opportunities to achieve qualifications and recognition in order to further their career prospects.
Dr Malcolm Cathcart (RTO Owner & CEO of the Australian School of Business & Law). Malcolm possesses a unique capability which has been developed through a career of ‘Work Based Learning in Action’. This capability has been developed by integrating his varied career work with a wide range of formal study (part time study equivalent to 14 years of full time study) and then further integrating this by overlaying teaching, consulting and advising within both the higher education and vocational education segments. In the last twenty years Malcolm has focused his work on linking and bridging the educational gap between the vocational and higher educational sectors in Australia.
Mike has a lifelong interest in Education and Training as they relate to the workplace particularly in the areas of finance and accounting.
COO (Chief Operating Officer) NAK Australia. NAK Australia a wholesale distribution company supplying haircare products to the end-user via the professional recommendation of the hairdresser. The company’s mission being ‘to supply hairdressers with an Australian made range of haircare that exceeds the expectations of themselves, their staff and their clients in quality, value and service. The work environment is entrepreneurial, non-formal, non-bureaucratic and very fast.
John has been involved in both public and private education and training institutions for many years and is committed to promoting and sustaining high standards in the delivery, teaching and assessing of learners.
Sarah and her husband James (Directors of Brad Bell Real Estate) have revolutionised their office. James is the Sales Leader and Sarah is in charge of Property Management. They have almost tripled their business by changing their approach and creating a complete real estate practice – blending sales and property management and innovating a radically different system for the way we manage residential property in Australia and New Zealand.
Kate is a registered pharmacist in both Australia and the UK. Kate’s interest in the vocational educational sector began when she participated in formal in-house company training while working part time when studying pharmacy full time at university.
Craig has focused his career on delivering superior service and competent technical support within a range of Australian and international companies. Some of his roles over the past ten years included technical Coordinator (PPS Australia), Project Manager (Proctor & Gamble International) and Advertising Manager (Fairfax Group). Over recent years he has continued to develop his technical support capabilities which now include building and enhancing administrative systems, graphic design, project management, IT and marketing.